VA awards contract to Ad Hoc

Silver Spring, MD: The U.S. Department of Veterans Affairs (VA) awarded the ‘ Technical Support’ contract to a team of technology vendors led by Ad Hoc LLC, to design, develop, and operate is a new Veterans-centered website that will consolidate all of VA’s existing services in to a single, self-service user experience. Veterans will be able to access all of VA’s information, benefits, and services from one site, with one login, all with a cohesive design organized around their needs.

Joining Ad Hoc on the project are the So Company, a team of widely-published US military Veteran and plain language content writers;, a technology company with an Identity and Access Management platform built by Veterans to solve digital access challenges for the Veteran community; and Accenture Federal Services, a global technology consulting firm and long-time partner of VA.

“We’re very excited to work with VA on The project aligns with our company’s mission, to help government agencies build better digital services. We’re happy that VA recognized the unique experience and capabilities of our team and of our partners for this project,” said Greg Gershman, co-founder and principal of Ad Hoc.

Ad Hoc is a small software company. Ad Hoc’s team of software engineers and designers have backgrounds in the private sector, including startups. They are experienced in building high-traffic, well-designed web applications with great user experiences. Gershman and his Ad Hoc co-founder Paul Smith were part of the “Tech Surge” that rescued after its failed initial launch in the fall of 2013. Time magazine featured the story of the rescue in a cover article by Steven Brill.

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